Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked most about First Flights and the Short Film Fund.

First Flights Features
We will only accept feature submissions that are sent using the submit form found here
Applicants will receive a confirmation email once their projects have been submitted.
Please remember it may take some time for your film to be fully processed by the team. Please leave at least four weeks for your project to be processed.
If we wish to take the project further, we will arrange a meeting with the producer and directors to discuss further.
Think of these as an audio and visual representation of your mood board. These are an essential asset for a feature film projects as when sharing the project to many stakeholders will very quickly communicate the central theme and tone of your film. There are three main types:
This is where you pull together footage from other films and stitch them together with a voice-over, text, and soundtrack to create a mock trailer for the film. It is probably the most straightforward version to do, as you’ll only need to edit existing footage 'ripped' from youtube.
This is similar to Ripogram, but you use stills of the film's storyboard with voice over and soundtrack to create a trailer or even to show a key scene from the film that captures the essence of the story. You can use the Ken Burns effect to zoom in and out of each still to create movement.
If you already have footage of the film, maybe from a screen test you could use this footage to show to vision, style and tone of the film.
This is the long-form document that should contain everything else to pitch the film. Make this look slick. Check for grammatical errors. The whole document should visually represent what the films look and feel will be. The Pitchbook should contain:
One page synopsis
Short and sweet and allows anybody to quickly understand the main story arc.
Director’s vision
Why is the director making this film? Be honest. Don't tell us what you think we want to hear. This is where you can get across the story behind the story, the story that allows us to tell others why this film should be made.
Director’s Bio
First Flights is a talent lead initiative so this section is important to us. Any notable achievements, awards, and links to existing work we can look at go here.
Budget / Financial Plan
If you have a budget, it needs to have details and not simply a one-line amount like £1,000,000. Details show us you have a realistic understanding of how the script's story will translate into the final film.
Bios of confirmed cast and crew
If you have secured actors and have timelines to fit please also put those details here. Showing you have built an experienced team around you is also a vital factor in the selection process for us. If you have a link in the industry, you hope to exploit then let us know.
Short Film Fund - General
You can submit your short film project during the current 2025 submission period of Feb 4th until April 30th 2025.
Your application will need to include:
- Project details: title / genre / location / budget / funding amount sought / intended production date
- A 30 word logline
- A 250 word synopsis
- A 250 word directors vision – creative ideas and information on why the story is important and who it is for
- A completed script (no more than 30 pages)
- A biography of the director. Links to the director/writer/producer IMDB pages if available
- A budget
- Optional: look book and sizzle reel
The First Flights Short Film Fund is available to film makers from anywhere in the world.
The First Flights Short Film Fund is intended for live action, aimation and documentary short films of any genre. The projects can originate from any country but the application must be made in English. We are looking for projects with running times under 30 minutes.
The SFF funding can be a financial contribution towards an overall budget or applications can be made for full financing provided the budget is under £7,000 / $10,000. Awards will be given to projects which intend to be in production no more than six months after the deadline closes. Awards provided are non-recoupable and are grants provided to the project.
Applications should be submitted by either the Producer, Director or Writer of a project. Eligible applicants should be 18 years of age or older.
December 1st each year for the Summer edition
Current submission period
Early bird fees are £20 per project until Feb 28th
Regular fee is £30 until March 31st
Late fee is £40 until April 30th
Short Film Fund - Application Process & Eligibility
2. Majority Female/Non-Binary Leadership in Key Creative Roles: In addition to the director, at least one of the other two core leadership roles (Writer or Producer) must also be held by someone who identifies as female or non-binary.
This ensures that at least 2 out of the 3 key creative positions (Director, Writer, Producer) are led by women or non-binary creatives.
Short Film Fund - Funding & Financials
Short Film Fund - Submission & Technical Issues
FF3 - Web3 Crowdfunding
The FAQ is a work in progress and can be found here
Please make suggestions by using the comments button on the top right. To comment you will need to be on a desktop browser.
If you wish to contact us for press, marketing, or website issues not listed here please email hello[at]
We will not answer any emials related to film submissions, or accept any unsolicited film enquires on this address.
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